Workshop on Stress Management & Exam Preparation Tips organized at PAGE Himayatnagar January 26th, 2018

On January 26th 2018, we were privileged to have a visit from Dr. B. V. Pattabhiram, noted Hypnotist and Psychologist, who kindly responded to our invitation to counsel Class Ten students on Stress Management and Exam Preparation Tips. The event was organized by our Himayathnagar Campus and approximately 500 parents and students attended the event. Dr. Pattabhiram spoke about the concept of stress, why it happens and how best to avoid it. He emphasized that most of it has to do with our attitude not just our aptitude. When we concentrate on aptitude rather than adopting the right attitude first, that is when stress develops. Preparation for exams just needs the right attitude and faith in oneself; we need to adopt a correct system of study and follow it. Dr. Pattabhiram also taught the students little tips and tricks like mnemonics for improving and assisting the memory which the students wrote down very diligently and we do hope that they will use these, and that they will be a help for them in the upcoming Board exams. It is not surprising that Dr. Pattabhiram succeeded in casting a spell over his audience and completely mesmerizing them as he is also famous as a magician! All in all, the event was a huge success and we hope that Dr. Pattabhiram will continue to visit our students and inspire them! .