The full form of GMAT is Graduate Management Admission Test. This is a computer-adaptive test (CAT) which tests the quantitative, analytical, verbal, reading and writing skills in standard written English of a student to prepare them for admission into a graduate management program like an MBA. Over 5,400 programs covering 1,500 universities and institutions in 83 countries utilize the GMAT exam for gaining admission into their programs. 

    Admission into graduate management programs, like MBA, Master of Accountancy, and Master of Finance programs is facilitated by several business schools using this test as a criterion. The GMAT exam is held at standardized and secure test centers in over 110 countries across the world. An integrated reasoning section was introduced in June 2012, which aims at measuring the ability of the candidate for evaluating data that exists in new formats and from different sources.

    Why the GMAT® Exam?

    The GMAT will help you to put your best foot towards a career with impact. Over 5,800 business and management programs across the globe have accepted GMAT for almost sixty years; the GMAT exam has been the preferred test choice by the world’s business leaders for gaining admission into the world’s top business schools. This is because it is the only exam that allows you to showcase your skills whether in the classroom or later on, in your job.

    Business schools rely on the GMAT exam for deciding on admissions. GMAT is administered by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), a worldwide nonprofit organization committed to setting the standard for ensuring success in the classroom. 

    Advantages of GMAT®

    • You will be assessed whether you have the required skills that matter the most for these schools. The GMAT exam, measures the skills you have and the skills schools and businesses need and which matter the most, especially through the GMAT exam’s unique Integrated Reasoning section.
    • The GMAT exam is a guaranteed measure of your success. The validity and reliability of the GMAT exam as a predictor of your academic performance in the graduate management programs today is confirmed by decades of research.
    • The GMAT exam is there for you whenever you feel that you are prepared enough to take it. All over the world in state-of-the-art facilities, testing is available, designed to provide a unique test-taking experience which will have the capacity to bring out the best in you.

    GMAT® Test Structure & Overview.

    There are four main sections to The GMAT® exam:

    • Analytical Writing Assessment
    • Integrated Reasoning
    • Quantitative Ability
    • Verbal Ability

    What the GMAT® Exam does and does not Measure

    Analytical writing verbal, mathematical and integrated reasoning skills that you have developed in your education and work are all evaluated by the GMAT exam. The exact content of what you did in your first university or undergraduate course, your subjective qualities like creativity, motivational and interpersonal skills or your skills any other specific subject area as well as your job skills are NOT tested by the GMAT exam,

    Validity of GMAT® score

    The score you get in GMAT is valid for five years.

    GMAT® Total Score

    The total number of GMAT points is 800.