Analysis of JEE main 2015


 The paper pattern was same as last year. The paper had 90 questions each worth 4 marks. All questions were objective type with single correct option. Subject wise each subject had 30 questions of 120 marks.

Subject Class 11 Class 12 Total
Total Ques. Total Marks Total Ques. Total Marks Total Ques. Total Marks
Chemistry 10 40 20 80 30 120
Mathematics 16 64 14 56 30 120
Physics 13 52 17 68 30 120
Grand Total 39 156 51 204 90 360


Difficulty Level Analysis

Subject Easy Level Medium Level Difficult Level
Total Ques. Total Marks Total Ques. Total Marks Total Ques. Total Marks
Chemistry 13 52 12 48 5 20
Mathematics 11 44 16 64 3 12
Physics 8 32 17 68 5 20
Grand Total 32 128 45 180 13 52


Topic wise Allocation of Marks

Current Electricity 2 8 6.7%
Ohms Law 1 4 3.3%
Kirchoff’s Law 1 4 3.3%
Electro Magnetic Induction 2 8 6.7%
LR Circuit 1 4 3.3%
LC Oscillation 1 4 3.3%
Electrostatics 2 8 6.7%
Lines of Force 1 4 3.3%
Electric Potential 1 4 3.3%
Geometrical Optics 1 4 3.3%
Prism 1 4 3.3%
Modern Physics 2 8 6.7%
Modern Physics 1 4 3.3%
Bohr Model 1 4 3.3%
Simple Harmonic Motion 1 4 3.3%
Simple Harmonic Motion 1 4 3.3%
Sound Waves 1 4 3.3%
Doppler 1 4 3.3%
Mechanics 8 32 26.7%
Elasticity 1 4 3.3%
Relative Motion 1 4 3.3%
Error in Measurement 1 4 3.3%
Friction 1 4 3.3%
Centre of Mass 2 8 6.7%
Rigid Body Dynamics 1 4 3.3%
Gravitation 1 4 3.3%
Heat & Thermodynamics 3 12 10.0%
KTG & First Law of Thermodynamics 2 8 6.7%
KTG & Second Law of Thermodynamics 1 4 3.3%
Capacitor 1 4 3.3%
Circuits 1 4 3.3%
Electro Magnetic Field & Forces 3 12 10.0%
Force on Loop 1 4 3.3%
Force on Straight Wire 1 4 3.3%
Torque on Loop 1 4 3.3%
Electromagnetic waves 1 4 3.3%
Intensity 1 4 3.3%
Wave Optics 2 8 6.7%
Huygen’s Principle 1 4 3.3%
Resolving Power 1 4 3.3%
Principles of Communications 1 4 3.3%
Modulation 1 4 3.3%
GRAND TOTAL 30 120 100%


Topic wise Allocation of Marks

Unit & Topic Name No of Question Total Marks % Weightage
Inorganic Chemistry 11 44 36.67%
Chemical Bonding 2 8 6.67%
d-block & f-block 1 4 3.33%
Metallurgy 1 4 3.33%
p-block 3 12 10.00%
Periodic Table & Periodicity in Properties 1 4 3.33%
Qualitative Analysis 1 4 3.33%
s-block 1 4 3.33%
Transition Elements and Coordination Chemistry 1 4 3.33%
Organic Chemistry 9 36 30.00%
Alkyl Hallide, Alcohol & Ether 2 8 6.67%
Aromatic Compound 1 4 3.33%
Carbohydrates, Amino Acids and Polymers 1 4 3.33%
IUPAC & Isomerism 2 8 6.67%
Practical Organic Chemistry 3 12 10.00%
Physical Chemistry 10 40 33.33%
Atomic Structure 1 4 3.33%
Chemical Equilibrium 1 4 3.33%
Chemical Kinetics 1 4 3.33%
Electrochemistry 1 4 3.33%
Mole Concept 1 4 3.33%
Solid State 1 4 3.33%
Solution & Colligative Properties 1 4 3.33%
Surface Chemistry 2 8 6.67%
Thermodynamics & Thermochemistry 1 4 3.33%
GRAND TOTAL 30 120 100.00%


Topic wise Allocation of Marks

Unit & Topic Name No of Question Total Marks % Weightage
Area under curve 1 4 3.3%
Area Between two Curves 1 4 3.3%
Circle 1 4 3.3%
Position of Two Circles 1 4 3.3%
Complex Numbers 1 4 3.3%
Properties of Modulus 1 4 3.3%
Differential equation 1 4 3.3%
Linear Differential Equation 1 4 3.3%
Ellipse 1 4 3.3%
Tangents 1 4 3.3%
Parabola 1 4 3.3%
Parametric Coordinates 1 4 3.3%
Probability 1 4 3.3%
Classical Probability 1 4 3.3%
Quadratic Equation 1 4 3.3%
Relation Between Roots & Coefficients 1 4 3.3%
Matrix & Determinants 2 8 6.7%
Multiplication of Matrices 1 4 3.3%
Cramer’s Rule 1 4 3.3%
Permutation & Combination 1 4 3.3%
Fundamental Theorem of Counting 1 4 3.3%
Binomial Theorem 1 4 3.3%
Summation of Series 1 4 3.3%
Sequence & Series 2 8 6.7%
Geometric Mean 1 4 3.3%
Miscellaneous Series 1 4 3.3%
Vector 1 4 3.3%
Vector Triple Product 1 4 3.3%
Statistics 1 4 3.3%
Mean 1 4 3.3%
Mathematical Reasoning 1 4 3.3%
Negation 1 4 3.3%
Vector & 3-D 2 8 6.7%
Family of Planes 1 4 3.3%
Intersection of Plane and Line 1 4 3.3%
Inverse Trigonometric function 1 4 3.3%
Addition of Inverse Trigonometric Function 1 4 3.3%
Sets & Relation 1 4 3.3%
Subset 1 4 3.3%
Limit of function 1 4 3.3%
Standard Limit 1 4 3.3%
Continuity & Derivability 1 4 3.3%
Differentiability 1 4 3.3%
Tangents, Normal & Applications 1 4 3.3%
Normal at a Point 1 4 3.3%
Application of Derivatives 1 4 3.3%
Maxima & Minima 1 4 3.3%
Indefinite integration 1 4 3.3%
Substitution 1 4 3.3%
Definite integration 1 4 3.3%
Properties of DI 1 4 3.3%
Straight Line 2 8 6.7%
Position of Point 1 4 3.3%
Family of Planes 1 4 3.3%
Height & distance 1 4 3.3%
Angle of Elevation 1 4 3.3%
Grand Total 30 120 100.0%