December 14th PAGE Himayatnagar Visit to Home for the Aged, Bhoiguda

On November 14th, Children’s Day, PAGE Himayatnagar had held a Food & Games Mela with food prepared by the students themselves. They put up stalls and games and raised money for charity. With this money, warm clothing was purchased, and on December 14th, Principal Vasantha madam, accompanied by a few staff members and 25 students went to The Home for the Aged in Bhoiguda and distributed shawls and gloves to the ladies, and mufflers and gloves to the men. The students spent some time interacting with the elderly people who were overjoyed to receive these rare young visitors. As you can see from the pictures, everyone had a good time socializing and chatting together. The students came away more sensitized to the plight and needs of the elderly and resolved to do more for them in the future also.