The 70th year of Independence was celebrated on Monday, the 15th of August with great pomp and gaiety at the Himayatnagar campus. The students dressed up in colorful outfits added luster to surroundings. The event was triggered off with solemn rendition of our national song‘Vandemataram’ by Tejaswini and group. Thereafter followed the unfurling of the national flag by our Senior English Faculty, Sandra madam supported by our educational head, K Vasanth. Sandra madam enlightened the gathering with the importance of Independence Day in her short talk. The principal, faculty members, students and everyone present saluted with reverence the national flag as the National Anthem rent the air.
A short cultural variety programme was conducted soon after the flag hoisting and prizes were awarded to the winners of the competitions. Shreyawardani bagged the best student award. The following competitions were held. Essay writing, Elocution, Short story writing, Instrumental music, Patriotic songs and Art & Drawing. The event was held under the direction of K Vasantha, our Principal.